HistoryJan van der Hoorn Schaatssport
Our Company is genesis after my father, Jan van der Hoorn, won the
Elfstedentocht of 1956. He is one of the five riders who came on the finish at the same time. But after that he also had ride and won many competitions. You can admire his prizes in his trophy cabinet in our store!
Father Jan started selling ice skates to people of the Ter Aar's ice skate Club. This was followed by sales to clubs surrounding and that grew further on. Our customers come from every part of the Netherlands and some even from outside of the Netherlands. In the beginning the sales took place from the house at the kitchen table. In particular, the older skaters are still often talking about it. "Mrs Van der Hoorn who keeps telling to untie your laces before you get in your skate"!
After the winters of 1985, 1986 and 1987 there's an upstream of interest for the iceskatesport and that ballooned the sales. Meanwhile we have salesroom of 200m² with a workshop of 100m². In the store we have a wide range with a lot of known brands. There where Jan van der Hoorn started with only Ballangrud skates, there is now a big collection of brands like Viking, Craft, Maple etc.
At this moment we have 6 permanent workers and about 12 part-time employees. Every employee has a connection with ice skating or inline skating. What is necessary for giving an expert advice to our customers. What all these years had never changed with us, is the personal approach and the attention we give our customers. If it is second-hand Viking Junior or a pair of expensive klapskates you want to buy: our approach will be the same!
service is our top priority. We always try to find a solution to problems encountered. In our workshop we can do al kind of maintenance and repairs, like a new radius, sharpening, new springs etc. You can be sure that all the products leave our premises with the right rocking, sharp and very smooth
Our range consists of the following products:
- Ice skates
- Speed skates
- Inline skates
- Ice and Inline skate accessories
- Bike accessories
- Ice skate clothing
- Bike clothing
In March 2013 Jan van der Hoorn Jan van der Hoorn Schaatssport has access to an international webshop, where you can order and have a complete overview of our extended assortment.
We are pleased to invite you in our store in Ter Aar to have a look at our assortment or otherwise of course in our webshop!
Rick van der Hoorn